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Join WIMN’s Words Alert List

Conference Planning Support

Women In Media & News is dedicated to raising the presence, profile and power of women working on all aspects of media literacy, advocacy, justice and reform.

We have helped organizers from the Center for New Words (annual WAM! Women, Action and Media conference), FreePress (National Conference on Media Reform), and the Women's Funding Network (whose 21st annual conference theme was amplifying women's voices) connect with a diverse set of women journalists, media activists and feminist advocates.

We have also provided progressive foundations such as The Sister Fund and the Chicago Foundation for Women with capacity building media training programs for their grantee organizations.

Planning a women's rights conference or workshop?

WIMN can help you find top-notch keynote speakers, panelists, workshop facilitators and community organizers who can articulate a clear analysis of media as a key women's rights issue.

Organizing a media-themed conference or other event?

WIMN can help you identify female speakers who can bring a gendered analysis to media advocacy, and who can speak about the ways in which women are key stakeholders in the media justice movement.

WIMN is here to make sure you never have to wonder "Where are the women in media reform?" We serve as a resource so that any media conference or event organizer who wants to include a feminist perspective easily do so.

Contact WIMN for a list of progressive women doing a wide range of media justice work at the grassroots and national levels, or for information about how to bring WIMN to your campus, community group or national organization.

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